How to Advertise on Facebook: 10 Steps for Getting Results


How to Advertise on Facebook: 10 Steps for Getting Results

Facebook advertising requires precision decision-making. The image, caption and price that you choose for your Facebook advertising campaign will determine if it hits the target.

You’ll need the following questions to help you plan your next Facebook ad. Who are you targeting? What budget should you allocate for a monthly campaign? Are the dimensions of your images accurate? Is your ad mobile-optimized?

Wix website owners can use Facebook ads by Wix to reach new customers, increase sales, and achieve results. With this Facebook marketing solution, you can create an ad campaign using powerful AI. This means that your ads are constantly optimized to have the most impact on your audience.

This beginner’s guide on advertising on Facebook will walk you through each step. We’ve got everything you need, from creating an account in Facebook Ads Manager to setting up a budget and monitoring the performance of your ad post-production.

Facebook ads

Before we get into the complex Facebook advertising process, let’s first say that the type of Facebook ad that you use will play a major role in your success. These ads can increase brand awareness, engagement, and drive sales. You can choose which option is best for your company.

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Dynamic collection

This collection ad format directs customers towards your products based upon their past purchases and interests. Customers will be taken to the product page of your store when they click on your ad. This is a great way to increase sales and bring your products to a wider audience.


Use a professional image to attract people to your business. This is a great way to promote an event, sale, or special offer. It can be used to keep your brand in the minds of your customers.


When advertising on Facebook, videos are the best way of attracting attention. To create a video explaining who you are and what you offer, you can use the video maker. Video polling is another feature that allows you to include a survey into your video in order to increase customer engagement.


Slideshows of photos can be created if you don’t have enough time or the budget to create videos. Slideshow ads are faster than videos and can be created in minutes. They’re another great way to show off your products.


You can display up to 10 services or products in one Facebook ad. This can be used to display different information about a single product.

01. Register for Facebook Ads Manager

A third of the world’s population uses Facebook . This is why 7,000,000 businesses use Facebook to promote their products. This is why Facebook ads Manager can be used to advertise on Facebook and all of its apps and services. To access your ad account settings, first visit your Facebook homepage. Next, click “See More” on the left-hand side.

You will now be in the section on your Facebook account. Here you can choose an ad type, and select the photos or videos that you wish to advertise. You can monitor the performance of your ad and make changes to your campaign using the analytics Facebook offers.

Wix allows you to set up your Facebook advertising campaign in just a few mouse clicks if you have created your business, blog, or online shop .

02. Establish clear goals

You should be clear about your short and long-term goals when advertising on Facebook or managing your social marketing strategies. Facebook has 11 objectives that you can use to increase brand awareness, website traffic and lead generation.

Facebook will show you the ad format that is most effective for your goals when you choose one of these options. These questions will help you to determine your ad objectives if you don’t know what they are.

  • What are your business’s overarching goals?
  • What are you hoping to achieve with this campaign?
  • Are you looking to increase traffic to your company?
  • Are you looking to promote your product/service locally?
  • Are you informing your customers about a sale?
  • What does this campaign have to do with your overall marketing strategy.

03. Take a look at the competition

You will also need to look at your competition before you advertise on Facebook. Find out which ads worked well for them and which ones didn’t. Be on the lookout for content that grabs your attention and makes you want to click.

You can get a sense of the tone of voice used by businesses. Look at the comments and likes of your favorite ads to see which ones are most engaging. Next, make a list with ads that have high engagement. Write down the key elements that make these ads stand out. Then use these ideas for your campaign.

04. Know your audience

The key to running a successful Facebook advertising campaign is making sure that the right people see it. You pay Facebook per impression and per view, so it is important to be strategic. Knowing your target audience and understanding their intent will allow you to make better decisions and ensure your ads resonate with those most likely to buy your products.

When you create an ad in Facebook Ads Manager, imagine your ideal customer. Is it male or female? What age are they? What is their address? What are their interests? What are their hobbies? Try to describe them as clearly as you can. This will help you narrow down your target audience and make your ads more effective.

Your current customers can help you learn more about your target market. Look back at sales history to see what your customers have in common.

Wix Facebook Ads allows you to simply define your audience by location, gender, age and interests. Wix’s artificial intelligence can determine the rest by looking at users’ online footprints. Wix can even use this data for automatically creating lookalikes or retargeting audiences to your ad campaigns.

05. Budget planning

Decide how much you will spend on your ads. Then, plan your campaign run time. You can choose how much you want to spend each day if you create your ad via Facebook Ad Manager. Facebook will show your ads to different people depending on how much you spend. You can start small to optimize your ads and reach your target audience. When you start to see clicks turn into sales, increase your budget.

Wix allows you to choose your budget starting at $79 per month when you create a Facebook Ad Campaign. After you have set it up, all is well. Wix’s AI will automatically learn, optimize and test your ads to reach your target audience.

Although it takes time to create an effective campaign for your business, thousands of Wix businesses have seen success with facebook ads by Wix. Eat to Live, Not to Die is one of the biggest users of the tool. This website was already a huge success on Instagram and used social media to advertise. It saw a 3322% increase in sales from Instagram.

06. Make your own ad

Facebook offers a variety of ad formats that can be used to achieve your goals, as mentioned above. You might see an image ad, or carousel, to help you increase web traffic. This allows people to scroll through multiple images at once.

For each type of ad, Facebook offers the following image suggestions. No matter what ad format you choose, make sure your photos meet the design requirements for advertising on Facebook or Instagram, Messenger, and any other Facebook app.

You can also learn how to take great product photos and make them work for you with our expert guidance.

  • Good lighting is essential:Quality lighting makes it easy to see the item and all its details. Avoid harsh shadows. To achieve a soft look, wait for cloudy days or use a diffuser or reflector.
  • Stand out against your background: The item that you want to draw attention to should be in contrast with the background. Consider using solid color backdrops. Don’t be too creative. Make the product the focal point of your photo.
  • Match it with your brand. Use photos that align with your brand’s identity. You can add a logo watermark to photos but it should be subtle. It shouldn’t distract from the product.
  • Avoid common mistakes in photography: Use professional cameras. You should ensure that your photos aren’t blurry, grainy or cropped in an awkward way.
  • Make your images stand out: Use bold or bright colors. Images should grab shoppers’ attention and inspire them to buy.
  • Don’t use too much text.Facebook won’t allow photos with text that covers more than 20%. Reduce the text. Add any additional information to your ad description.
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You can create an ad campaign with Facebook Ads by Wix in just minutes. Matan Holi, Wix user and the owner of Plant It explains that it took only 4 minutes to create an ad campaign. In just a few days, their sales increased by 10x what they invested.


Here’s how to create a paid advertising campaign for your company with Wix.

  • Log in to your Wix account.
  • To get started, go to your site dashboard and select Marketing Tools. Next, click on Facebook Ads.
  • Your site dashboard will connect to Facebook immediately
  • Select the items you wish to include in your ad campaign, and then describe your target audience. Wix will optimize your ad campaign to reach potential customers.
  • Choose your campaign budget and keep in mind that it will last at most 2 months.
  • Before you publish your Facebook ad, preview it to ensure that the images look great across all platforms.
  • You can track and measure the performance of your Facebook ads campaigns. Wix’s algorithm can help you get the best results.

07. Make sure you have the right content

Your ad campaign’s success or failure will depend on the quality of your text. Captions that are well-written will make your business look professional and encourage people to pay more attention to it.

Here are some things to remember when writing your ad description:

  • Make a clear call to action. Customers need to be clear about what you expect them to do next. A call to action should create urgency. Encourage them to buy now and not later. Reassure them that purchasing from you is the best choice and that you have something that your competitors don’t.
  • Be clear about what you offer. Text can be used to give your customer more information. Revisions are possible if your text doesn’t complement your image. Consider your ad as if someone has never heard about your business. Are they able to understand what you offer? Are they able to tell you what makes your product unique? Does your product have a clear value?
  • Avoid typos. Misspelled words or a comma too close together can distract from your message, making your business look unprofessional. Have someone else review your text before you publish.
  • Get attention. You need to grab casual shoppers. Think about the state of mind and emotions of your customers. Use simple, clear language to tap into their emotions and motivate them to act. You can convince them to look at the products you are selling.
  • Use language that is specific to your target customers. While Emojis may make your ad friendlier, make sure they are compatible with your brand.
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Strong messaging is key to achieving quick results when advertising on Facebook. Bonsie offers a clear call-to-action. Customers are encouraged to click on the products and go to their online store. The ad campaign generated nearly 400% ROAS.

Pro-tip Wix’s AI requires time to learn more about your audience in order to optimize ad performance. Also, allow your ad to run before you make any adjustments.

08. Use Instagram

Do you have beautiful product images? Instagram Marketing is a must-have! According to research , Instagram users are 58x more likely to engage in branded content than Facebook users.


Targeting millennials with Instagram ads is also possible. More than half of Instagram users under the age of 34 are actually young. This could be the right platform for you if your target audience is this age.


Connect your Instagram and Facebook accounts first. To do this, tap the settings icon in Instagram. Next, select Accounts and then tap Linked Accounts. Log in to Facebook by selecting Facebook


Your ad will be automatically shared on Instagram if you use Facebook Ads by Wix.


09. Conversion boosting


Your campaign’s success will be measured in sales, even if it is a big hit on Facebook. These tips will help you convert casual shoppers to buyers.


  • Simplify the shopping process: Make your shopping experience as easy as possible, from ad click to checkout – the fewer clicks, the better.
  • Make a clear call to action: Customers should know what to do next when they reach your product page. Make a call to action such as Buy Now or Add To Cart.
  • Make your customers feel at ease when they complete a purchase. Match the tone and design of your ad with your brand identity. Customers will be able to recognize you and feel more comfortable buying from a website they trust.
  • Create quality product descriptions:Write informative but also engaging product descriptions. Give details to customers about your product such as dimensions and materials. To increase your Google search engine visibility, include relevant SEO keywords. Your customers will appreciate the value of your product.
  • Make sure you clearly display your policies. Customers feel more comfortable purchasing products if they are aware of the policies. So they can be clear about your return and shipping policies, you should inform them from the beginning.
  • Provide payment options Make it easier for customers to make their purchases. To simplify purchasing, offer flexible and secure payment options.
  • Help shoppers abandoning their carts complete their purchase. Send emails to remind customers to checkout and create an abandoned cart automation.

Take a look at Sim racing Studio’s purchase funnel.


You will see a clear call to action on the product page. It directs you to Add To Cart. Multiple images are featured on the product page. Zoom in to see different parts of the product. This description explains exactly what you will receive once you have made the purchase. The description explains the product in detail and includes a link to see it in action.


Customers are also welcome to visit their cart page. The cart page offers customers multiple payment options, and it shows the exact shipping costs before they checkout. Sim Racing Studio was able to achieve a smooth checkout flow similar to this one through their Facebook Ad campaign.


10. Optimize your ads


Your ads will last longer, so you’ll learn more about your audience. This information can be used to enhance your campaign and ensure that your ads reach their maximum potential.


Facebook Pixel can be embedded on your website if you have created a campaign on Facebook. Your data can be used to retarget visitors to your site and encourage them make a purchase. You can also target existing customers to increase loyalty. To target customers with similar online footprints, create a Lookalike Audience. Split testing allows you to test different images, copy, and audiences to see which ones bring in more sales.


Wix will optimize your ad campaign for you. All you have to do is track the revenue impact of your ad. You can access your dashboard to view detailed analytics about ad views and conversion rates, as well as the impact on sales.


If you are not seeing the conversions you desire, you can tweak your ad text and be more specific about who your target audience is.


Try to determine why your ads don’t get clicks but not sales. You can get a better understanding of your ads’ performance and make the necessary adjustments based on these questions.

  • Do potential customers feel intimidated by your shipping costs?
  • Is your return policy unclear?
  • Are your ads misleading or overpromising?
  • Customers are unable to contact you for questions
  • Does your site look professional?
  • Do you need to simplify your checkout process?
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Don’t lose heart. To build a successful campaign, it takes time.


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